Fracarita International and University Colleges Leuven-Limburg (UCLL) renew collaboration
On 6 June 2019, Fracarita International and University Colleges Leuven-Limburg (UCLL) renewed their collaboration with regard to enable expertise sharing, internship opportunities for Social Work students, Child & Youth Studies, Nursing and Teacher Training, Capacity Building and Applied Research. Possibilities to draw up curricula that can be applied very concretely at the Kigoma Training College in Tanzania are being investigated.
The Brothers of Charity from their vision and mission believing in the core of caritas connected with a professional approach to each person who appeals to the brothers and their associates. Professionalisation means training, and cooperation with academic institutions is very important in this respect. Fracarita International tries to establish good collaborations with academic institutions in Belgium but also in the South in order to guarantee and improve the professionalisation of the projects and thus the quality of the services. Academic cooperation is not only at the master level, but also at the bachelor's and even post-secondary level.
UCLL and Fracarita International signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2017. This renewal makes it possible to focus concretely on four countries: Tanzania, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and Peru. The implementation is already at full speed, thanks to the possibilities to submit project proposals to the VLIR-UOS and other donors. In a next phase and in due time collaboration Indonesia, South Africa, Philippines and India will be considered.

Picture: signing of the MoU in 2017