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Productivity Training and Education Centre for the Deaf Alumni (PROTECDA) in Wonosobo, Indonesia

For giving the best possible education to our students in LPATR Don Bosco (DB) Wonosobo (Residential Institute for Boys with Deafness), the school offers a more advanced training: Industrial Engineering. This new development is called PROTECDA (Productivity Training and Education Centre for the Deaf Alumni).

Protecda was established through the formal collaboration between LPATR Don Bosco, LPATR Dena Upakara/DU Wonosobo (Residential Institute for Girls with Deafness), and Polytechnic ATMI Surakarta (Technical Academy of Industrial Engineering). Protecda is managed collaboratively, both planning and financial, but is located in Don Bosco Wonosobo. The preparation started some years ago and came to its clearer planning in 2015 when all parties produced the strategic plan with short and long term goals, and later the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The first term of this strategic plan is from 2015 till 2018. Both DB & DU only offer education from kindergarten (3 years) till grade 9 for the moment. In Indonesia, kindergarten isn’t counted as formal grade; as grading is started officially from elementary (Grade/G1-6), junior high (G7-9), and senior high (G10-12). After finishing from both schools, some students go from Senior High School to other schools, mostly outside Wonosobo. A few of them, who are capable both knowledge and financially, will continue till university (after finishing Grade 12).

With this initiative, alumni from DB & DU, can choose to develop their knowledge by using high tech industrial machines before they decide to look for a job or continue their studies to a higher level. Protecda also gives advantages to other students in DB who still follow their present curriculum studies (blue & white uniform). While they still use less-complicated/old machines, they can witness their older friends/alumni (dark green uniform) dealing with high tech machines and will be ready when they decide to officially join the Protecda. Protecda also provides computer engineering design, for both alumni and the present students. Now, the students can experience both manual and computer designing. ATMI, which has more and more attention towards People with Disability, was also the one which lobbied donors for providing new machines. ATMI also provides trainers (grey uniform). It is has been a very good experience for the trainers, who can hear, dealing with students with deafness. Some of the trainers even decide that they wish to add their additional one year volunteer program to Protecda.

Additionally, LPATR Dena Upakara is a school owned by PMY (the Congregation of Sister of The Daughters of Mary and Joseph), originated from Den Bosch Netherland, founded by Pastor Antonius Yakobus Heeren on 7 July 1820. Those who have a deeper knowledge about Father Triest’s life story, will find out that there is connection between Father Antonius and the founder of the Brothers of Charity, especially during the time Father Antonius was planning to establish his congregation.

As for ATMI, this polytechnic is a university-level educational institution in Indonesia and received the certificate of ISO-quality assurance in education and production. It is widely recognized for its record in high quality educational and training systems and has also become the model for technical training systems throughout Indonesia. ATMI has “education partners” with more than 100 companies in Indonesia. ATMI is managed by the Society of Jesus Province of Indonesia (

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