Marumba, Tanzania: Service limited at the Marumba Rehabilitation Health Centre
In the 10 first months of 2021, the Marumba Rehabilitation Health Centre (MRHC) based in Marumba, Tanzania, was limited in its daily work because the Covid-19. Following activities were cancelled due to the prohibition to gather people together:
- Sensitisation Programme:
The team responsible could not go into villages because of the potential danger of contaminating or being contaminated.
- Home visits by the social service:
They were cancelled for the same reason as above.
- Formation:
Experts could not come for trainings because of the lack of safe transport.
- World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2021):
This day was not celebrated this year.
The MRHC took following measures to contain the spread of Covid-19:
- the use of masks everywhere in the compound of the centre,
- the use of a temperature-scan to measure the temperature of everyone who enter in centre’s compound,
- no visits are allowed to inpatients,
- obligation of washing hands for everybody entering the centre,
- keeping social distance during consultation,
- distribution of medication through a window (patients are forbidden to enter the pharmacy),
- the social work service has the mandate of counseling patients about the Covid-19,
- the district’s Covid-19 team trains our co-workers with regard to Covid-19,
- the vaccine is available and is strongly advised for all the co-workers,
- continuous motivation of patients to kindly observe these regulations for the sake of everyone.
