Kigoma, Tanzania: Outside activities limited at the Bangwe Sheltered Home
The Bangwe Sheltered Home (BSH) was established in 2004 to improve the quality of life of children and young people with mental disabilities in the Kigoma region, Tanzania. To be specific the BSH ensures that the basic needs of the beneficiaries such as food, drinking water, hygiene, health, shelter, etc are provided. Furthermore the home focuses on the social rehabilitation; improvement of environmental situation for its target group through both formal and non-formal education and other activities.
In 2021, the BSH conducted its usual activities with regard to the beneficiaries (education, personal hygiene, counselling, psychosocial support, gardening, sport, …). Activities outside the compound were limited because of the Corona pandemic. 40 children and young people with mental disabilities benefited from the BSH’s services. Among them, five who also suffer from physical disabilities received a special attention: they were provided with physiotherapy care, a wheelchair, a stand chair or another facility depending on their specific physical disability.
In terms of empowerment, a young boy with disability took a sewing course, while two others were supported with a capital of pig and goats.