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Laying the foundation stone of the new psychiatric centre in DR Congo

Uvira - DR Congo. On Saturday 16 September 2017, Superior General and chairman of Fracarita International, Bro. René Stockman, laid the first stone of the new psychiatric centre in Uvira in the presence of the local community of brothers, the regional superior, and the regional coordinator of Fracarita DR Congo. The centre will soon serve the population in this part of the South Kivu region.

Two years ago, the brothers started outpatient care. Now, they are hoping to help even more people with mental illness with this new centre, which will have 30 beds. We are able to build this centre thanks to the support of Mr. & Mrs. Piet Cleemput-Boonen from Dendermonde in Belgium. Construction is estimated to take one year and we are hoping to dedicate it in the presence of our benefactors by September 2018. This is the seventh psychiatric centre founded by the Brothers of Charity in DR Congo. For the time being it will serve as satellite facility of Sosame, our psychiatric centre in Bukavu.

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