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World Mental Health Day celebrations in Asia in October 2016




Dr. Guislain Svastha Educational Trust (G-SET)


Location of WMHD Celebration: Ranchi, India


Programme (4 October):

  • Opening ceremony with watering of plants by the residents and
    welcoming of guests

  • Drawing exhibition at the entrance

  • Overall briefing about G-SET, the Brothers of Charity and the WMHD Event

  • Speeches about WMHD and Breaking the Chains of Stigma

  • Mental health awareness campaign

  • Information about the new Mental Health Bill

  • Solo song

  • Panel discussion on the challenges of breaking the chains of stigma

  • Testimony of a resident of Param Mitra Sadan

  • Dr. Guislain Award Ceremony

  • Find out more via the official press release

  • Pictures: Facebookpage of Fracarita International

  • Click here for the YouTubevideo!

Fracarita India: Fr. Triest Award 2016

Location of WMHD Celebration: Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India

Fracarita India annually organizes the Father Triest Award. This award is
presented to people, organizations or projects that have made an exceptional
contribution to breaking the taboo on mental health in India. The intention
of this prize is to award those initiatives that approach suffering from any
form of mental problems as cultural, creative, and social beings.

Theme: Dignity in mental health - a right of today and tomorrow

Programme (8 October):


Renceng Mose


Location of WMHD Celebration: Ruteng, Indonesia


Renceng Mose Psychiatric Centre & Clinic was invited by another organization

from Ende (260 km from Ruteng), called Kelompok Kasih Insani (KKI) to be

speakers and living testimonies in the field of Mental Health Treatment.

The three-day event was organized by Pater Avent Saur, SVD.



  • Seminar on mental illness

  • Poetry night on mental health

  • Action for people with psychosocial disabilities (PwPD), by releasing PwPD from wood-shackles; known in Indonesia as ‘Pasung’

  • The team from Renceng Mose for the event: Brother John Baptista Ganti (director), Ms. Mariani Jenia (nurse), Mr. Erik and Mr. Vian (both as rehabilitants).

    • Brother John spelled out about our center and its programmes and gave the right information about Mental Health; as there are still many people in Flores Island who believe that Psychosocial Disabilities is a curse or punishment from God.

    • Ms. Jenia had the opportunity to share her happiness and challenges working in the field of Mental Health, the field of service which is very rare in Flores Island or even in the whole province of NTT, consisting of 550 Islands. Flores Island is just one of the Islands in NTT Province, a Province without Psychiatric Hospitals, and only has two psychiatrists for the whole Islands with a total population of more than 5 million.

    • The more interesting moment was when the seminar attendants heard the story of Mr. Vian’s life before entering Renceng Mose and how his quality of life has been changed after following the treatment.

  • On the last day of the event, a man was released from his wood-shackles. He and another person with a psychosocial disability were brought to Renceng Mose to follow a treatment and further rehabilitation. The process was witnessed by many villagers, representatives from the Government, including the Vice-Regent, Head of Districts, Polices, Head of Villages, and other citizens with different backgrounds. It was one of the defining moments to let more and more people know that there is a better way to treat PwPD, and their disabilities is not a curse or punishment from God; but it is a sickness, and so they have the right to receive a proper treatment.

Pictures of the event in Ruteng: click here


Holy Face Rehabilitation Centre for Mental Health

Location of WMHD Celebration: Tabaco City, Albay, Philippines


  • Kick-off: motorcade around the city of Tabaco (4 October)

  • Opening programme at the Nazareth Gymnasium with
    Ms Cielo Krisel Lagman Luistro as the Guest of Honor (4 October)

  • Family Day: residents cook meals, together with their family (10 October)

  • Fourth mental health congress (12 October)

  • Workshop: “Strengthening people’s organisation towards sustainability”
    (17-18 October)

  • Outing to the municipality of Malinao (25 October)

  • Stress management (26 October)

  • Psychiatric consultation at the municipality of Libon (28 October)

  • Read the full report here.


Saint Dymphna Rehabilitation Centre for Mental Health

Location of WMHD Celebration: Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines


  • Psychiatric consultations at the centre (10 October)

  • The mental health team will conduct home visits to follow up patients and inform them about mental health. This activity is scheduled on every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of October.

  • Family Day: activities and closing celebrations, together with the family of the residents, the staff, co-workers and volunteers (22 October)

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