WMHD celebration 2016 in Renceng Mose Psychiatric Centre, Ruteng, Indonesia

On the last day, the event was finalized by releasing a man from his wood-shackles. He and another person with a psychosocial disability were brought to Renceng Mose to follow a treatment and further rehabilitation. It is one of the defining moments to let more and more people know that there is a better way to treat PwPD, and their disabilities is not a curse or punishment from God; but it is a sickness, and so they have the right to receive a proper treatment.

On the last day, the event was finalized by releasing a man from his wood-shackles. He and another person with a psychosocial disability were brought to Renceng Mose to follow a treatment and further rehabilitation. It is one of the defining moments to let more and more people know that there is a better way to treat PwPD, and their disabilities is not a curse or punishment from God; but it is a sickness, and so they have the right to receive a proper treatment.

On the last day, the event was finalized by releasing a man from his wood-shackles. He and another person with a psychosocial disability were brought to Renceng Mose to follow a treatment and further rehabilitation. It is one of the defining moments to let more and more people know that there is a better way to treat PwPD, and their disabilities is not a curse or punishment from God; but it is a sickness, and so they have the right to receive a proper treatment.